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At first I wasn't sure if this subject was my thing, but as time and classes went by, I realized how much I was learning and how much Julián's teaching technique was helping me. This class was extremely challenging for me, for the better. The way in which Julián organized the assignments, especially the exams, helped me a lot to organize the way I study and work, since it forced me to concentrate on what I needed to understand and that made me develop a lot of skills that hopefully will help me in the future.

Continuing more deeply talking about psychology, I really enjoy everything that has to do with psychology: The behavior of the human being and the why of that so called behavior, among other things. What I want to study, marketing, is somehow related to psychology given that it somehow studies also how humans act and are attracted to. I think a lot of things involve psychological factors; we constantly face things but we aren't completely aware that it can be analyzed psychologically and actually have an explanation for that certain thing or behavior. So because of that and more things, I find psychology super mega interesting!

Moving on, now focusing on the IB psychology program, I feel that this program focuses more on the research and investigation part of psychology, rather than the clinical and practical one. Which in turn allowed me to develop in the research and investigation area, it provided me with skills to be more effective, but at the same time I feel that I would have liked to learn a bit more of the clinical part of psychology, since I find it more interesting and engaging. But that does not mean that I didn't enjoy the subject and everything that went with it :)



Characteristic of the IB Learner Profile: OPEN-MINDED



How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

I feel that this activity relates to the OPEN-MINDED characteristic given that I had to develop different strategies in order to succeed with the project. I had to do this with my family, so we needed to decide which of all the ideas we were giving was going to be the one to work, so we had to be open-minded in order to not mess up things and get mad at each other. 



Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

It was quite difficult for all of us to agree on what to do without arguing every five minutes, since each of us had different ideas of how to give support to the tower in order for it not to fall; so that was obviously a big challenge. I think the biggest challenge was sticking together the marshmallows with the pasta, given that the pasta was very thin, so they broke pretty easily, so we had to do every movement slowly. 

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember that we got pretty stressed doing this and my sister ended up giving up and leaving :( 

But at the end my dad and I finished it pretty good and we ended up having a good time and realizing what team work and group-thinking is about, and how hard it can be. 

What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 

I learned that I can get impatient pretty fast, which is not a good thing, so I need to work on that. But I also learned the aim of the project as I said before, which was group think. 



Characteristic of the IB Learner Profile: BALANCED



How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

I feel that this characteristic, BALANCED, is related to this project given that I had to understand the physical, mental and emotional balance importance, to be able to complete this activity in an effective way, and in the end to be able to reflect on the process.


Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

Evidently I faced several challenges within this activity, given that I am used to being able to use all the parts of my body, and the fact that every day I prevented myself from using some of them, clearly affected my activities and my daily life routine.

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember that every day I felt different things, depending on the disability I had. For example, on the day that I couldn't use my right arm, I realized that I couldn't do most of my daily activities effectively, since for me, my right arm is essential for the type of activities I do ... and so on for each day . At the end I realized how important it is to value what we have and that we all need to respect and admire people who have these physical handicaps and never judge them since we can't know what they have to go through daily. 

What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 

I Learned as well as the past evidence that I'm not a very patient person, I had problems trying to maintain the disability because I knew that at any moment I could give up and stop and no one was going to say anything to me. But at the end I managed to finish the activity because it was also very important for me to complete it and realize how difficult it can be and to value what we have.



Characteristic of the IB Learner Profile: PRINCIPLED



How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

I feel this project related to the characteristic PRINCIPLED, given that we had to act with integrity and ethical protocols. Also, assume the responsibility of our actions and the consequences that could occur when caring the project given that we were working with a non-human animal (hamster). 


Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

We faced several challenges, the first one was deciding which one of us was going to be responsible for the hamster, Cornelio, meaning who was going to take him home, feed him, etc. Another challenge was training him, this was a very long and difficult process, given that it is an animal with his own humor and feelings. At first Cornelio only approached me and Ximena, while with Sofi and Re he was a bit aggressive.

Our last and biggest challenge was that Cornelio past away :( so we couldn't present the final result of how Cornelio past the maze.  

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember that I got very attached to Cornelio, and I felt really sad when he past away :( 

Also I remember that when we were training him, he was very obedient and I feel that he understood what we wanted him to do. Thanks to that we managed to do a good project. 

How can this particular evidence help me in the future? 

I think this experience may help me in future occasions if I ever work with a non-human animal again. Given that I already know the main procedures and ethical considerations I need to follow in order for the study/project to be considered ethical and approved. I really liked this project because it also left me with a lot of skills such as organization, planning and 'direction'/managing skills.

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