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How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?

For this piece of evidence I feel the most relateable IB learner characteristic is: COMMUNICATORS. I chose this characteristic because in order to make this project successful, we had to communicate effectively what we wanted others to understand. For this project we had to make a three-to-five-minute mock television newscast using various satiric techniques. Our satirical story was about a person who was against buying pets and instead was a pro-adopting homeless people as pets. As said before, we had to be able to successfully tramsit the satirical message and we did it through this video.

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I had a lot of funny memories about this project, since I had to do it with two of my best friends. We laughed a lot writing and editing the story and even more recording the video. I feel like working with them was the reason the project went well for us, as we focused on doing something funny and off course quality work ;)



How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 
For this piece of evidence I feel the most relateable IB learner characteristic is: OPEN-MINDED. I chose this specific charcateristic given that this work was obout making a transcript about our mock IO, in order to be able to seeand reflect upon what we said and to see if we made any mistakes on it. I feel that by writing what I was saying, I developed self-criticism, in the sense that I saw my mistakes and learned from them. Also, the comments Ali (my wondeful teacher) made, helped me a lot in order to understand what I needed to focus more on and expalin with more detail. 

What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 

As said previously, this work really helped me prepare for my real IOA, given that I was able to be provided with extra points of view. In a few words, this work helped me to see, understand and learn from my mistakes and strengths, which helped me prepare for the real IOA. So in conclution, this transcript made me realize what things I could improve for next time, and it made me realize what I am capable of achieving.



How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?

For this piece of evidence I feel the most relateable IB learner characteristic is: REFLECTIVE. I chose this characteristic since I feel this work made me reflect about my life and my feelings. I chose to connected it to what I was feeling at that moment, my stress and insecurity about what my future awaits me. I had to assess my strengths and weaknesses in order to convey the message I wanted to transmit.

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 
It took me a lot of work to think what I wanted this poem to be about, what I was going to relate it to. I ended up choosing what I flet my classmates, or at least some of them, were going to relate to as well. 

It was a real challenge choosing the right words and connecting them in order to form a good poem, and be able to transmit a relatable message.  


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