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E V I D E N C E S 





How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

This particular evidence relates to the characteristic THINKERS, given that I had to use critical and creative thinking skills, in order to be able to analyze both movies and compare them within the chosen global context. When doing the work, I had to act with my own initiative and make reasoned and ethical decisions, considering the work guidelines.

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

I faced several challenges given that in had to be a long and extensive analysis, focusing in both movies, film focus, cultural context, topic, etc. It was a very long process, the first challenge was choosing 2 movies which had something in common but form different time and regions. After that, deciding what cultural context and topic I was going to focus on. Then making the script was also a challenge, since I didn't want to be repeating the same thing over and over again. Another challenging step was connecting the script to the movie clips or visual, since I had to look for the exact and perfect scene in order to show what I was explaining and for the audience to understand it correctly. 
Finally, one of the most challenging things was the editing part. Editing the clips, putting everything together, audio, etc. 

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember I liked doing this project because I find it entertaining. But on the other hand, I do feel it is a very long process, to which you have to dedicate time and effort, since every step of the process is important, in order to deliver quality results to the final work, the video.


What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 

I learned that when I want to focus and get things done good I can do it no matter what. I also learned that I really like the editing part of making videos; meaning putting the clips and audio together, cutting scenes, etc.

In general with this subject, I discovered that I mostly enjoy that part of film, editing,  which at the beginning of the IB program I didn't know I would enjoy :)




How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

I think this characteristic, KNOWLEDGEABLE, is the one which relates more to this piece of evidence. Given that I developed and used my conceptual understanding by exploring the knowledge I generated from watching the movie "Moonlight" from which I based my work on. In addition to that, I had to focus on different disciplines. All this allowed me to connect my ideas and important issues to deal with the film, dealing with both local and global importance.

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

I faced several challenges within making this piece of work. I found the most challenging one to be, the part when choosing the main cultural contexts and topics I was going to focus on, in order to make the best analysis possible.I had to organize my ideas so that the audience understood what I was trying to transmit throughout the movie analysis.

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember that when I saw the movie I came up with too many topics of which I could focus on. But since I chose the time sequence, I managed to specify those topics.

I also remember that by looking for the cultural contexts and trying to relate them to the film, I managed to create a deeper analysis and even come to understand the film and the feelings of the characters more thoroughly. Given that with the researched I made, I understood several things that when I saw the film I hadn't really deeply grasped.


How can this particular evidence help me in the future? 
I feel that this work left me with many analysis skills, given the structure and format I had to follow. This experience helped me prepare myself for future work opportunities that have to do with doing a deep analysis of whichever topic needed.




How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 

I feel that this IB characteristic, RISK-TAKERS, is the one which related more to this work as it addresses uncertainty with foresight and determination towards the goal I wanted to achieve. Also, I worked autonomously, finding and focusing on something that I personally liked or felt attached to. I feel I showed resourcefulness and resilience when facing challenges or things that I needed to change or improve on.

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

As I said before, I feel I faced several challenges within making this portfolio. At first I didn't know which roll I wanted to choose. I ended up choosing to do a title sequence about an art documentary, and I used some art pieces I've made throughout quarantine. The part I found most challenging was recording the clips, since I wanted for it to look profesional.  

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember that I really enjoyed doing this project, since I used my own art work, so I feel that I connect it with something personal. Also, as I've been mentioning in the past evidences, I really enjoy editing videos, and I also enjoyed placing the materials and designing the backgrounds for the recordings.

How can this particular evidence help me in the future? 

I think this portfolio helped me get creative and film skills, given that I had to place the knowledge I gained from this subject in just one video. So I think this project could help me in the future given that it provided me with a great creative experience. 

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